Run for 2025 FLAEYC Board!
Are you ready to be a FLAEYC Leader?
Any FLAEYC member in good standing is eligible for Board service. Any such member is welcome to apply for consideration by the Nominating Committee, which is responsible for constructing each year’s slate of nominees. Inclusion on the slate is contingent upon completion and submission of a complete application. All positions begin January 1 of the following year.
The following positions are open for election.
2-year position | 1 position available
In addition to carrying out the duties of a FLAEYC Governing Board member, the Secretary is also a member of the Executive Committee and the responsibilities and functions of the Secretary include:
Work with staff to record proceedings of Governing Board and Executive Committee meetings and Florida AEYC Annual Business Meeting, and to track action/discussion items from meeting discussions and minutes for future meeting agendas, and
Confirm, with the President, prepared minutes and present the minutes of the immediate past meeting for approval by the Governing Board.
Completed applications and supporting documents are due by July 1, 2024. For this election cycle, (all positions are scheduled to begin January 1, 2025)
Position descriptions and board member responsibilities are available for review in our FLAEYC Board Policies.
2-year position | 5 positions available
At-Large Board Member
At-large positions are full voting members of the Governing Board and are expected to attend all Board meetings, participate on Board Committees, support, and attend FLAEYC Events such as the Annual Conference and in-person meetings (i.e., Strategic Planning). The Board and Committee meetings for the most part are held virtually and are listed on an annual calendar.
Completed applications and supporting documents are due by July 1, 2024. For this election cycle, (all positions are scheduled to begin January 1, 2025)
Position descriptions and board member responsibilities are available for review in our FLAEYC Board Policies.
2 year position | 1 position available
The Student Board Members is considered a full, voting member of the Board with the same responsibilities and expectations of At-Large Board members
Completed applications and supporting documents are due by July 1, 2024. For this election cycle, (all positions are scheduled to begin January 1, 2025)
Position descriptions and board member responsibilities are available for review in our FLAEYC Board Policies.